Sunday, August 31, 2014

Wood Turning 2013-2014

Jonathan has created a wonderful space for wood turning.  He has given Kirti and I lessons on his lathe.  We have both learned to turn a bowl out of a block of wood.  Jonathan is learning to make all kinds of things and is constantly experimenting.  As a group, we have now added wood collecting to our list of activities.  Below you'll see photos showing a lesson on using the lathe.

Jonathan showing how to hollow out the bowl

All set up to spin

Jenny prepared to work around dust

Sanding the inside of the bowl

A well organized shop

Kirti praticing her lathe turning skills

Jenny adding crushed rock for a colorful inlay on the rim

Hold your tools steady

Here is a link to Jonathan's wood turning blog.  He has some beautiful pieces.

Sylvan Treasure Blog